Project Description

Following Institutions by Artists: Volume One and the eponymous convention from which both volumes take their name, this second anthology of texts continues the work of unpacking artists’ relationships to—and creation of—a larger set of structures that increasingly regulate, demarcate, and codify contemporary artistic practice: centres of economic and cultural capital; state and private apparatus; and sites of display, storage and production.

This volume’s contributing authors present a series of historical and contemporary case studies, investigating artists’ connections to various manifestations of institutionalized practice. These case studies describe practices that developed in places as disparate as Vancouver, London (Ontario), East Los Angeles, Scotland, and Trinidad and Tobago. Also included are transcripts of two debates held during the 2012 Institutions by Artists Convention, which asked: “Is there space for art outside the market and the state?” and “Should artists professionalize?”

Title: Folio E: Institutions by Artists Volume Two

Publisher: Fillip


Year: 2021

Editor/s: Jeff Khonsary, Antonia Pinter

Publication Type: Book

Quantity: 1

ISBN: 9978-1-927354-33-9