The Tiohtià:ke Project
Tiohtiá:ke [joh-ja-ghay] “where nations divide”
residencies – curatorial projects – biennale – exhibitions: a revolution

The Tiohtià:ke Project
The Tiohtià:ke Project activated the Indigenous art scene in Quebec region and offer amazing opportunities to many Indigenous curators, artists, writers, and cultural workers. This project was a two-year series of activations within Montréal to establish best practices through action. Within the Tiohtiá:ke project’s scope, the ACC met with many galleries and organizations across Montréal to discuss Indigenous art in Quebec.
The ACC organized two Indigenous collectives exhibitions with two major organizations/institutions (Indigenous Art Biennale – BACA and Joliette Art Museum), a delegation of five established and emerging Indigenous curators from across Canada who traveled in five Quebec Indigenous communities to meet with artists, collectives, curators, and cultural workers, a long-term partnership with Centre CLARK artist run centre for an annual curator-in-residency and Screening Night, and a closing celebration of the project with performances and videos at the Montreal Contemporary Art Museum. We will publish a book about the project in Fall 2020.
This project offer the opportunity to curators to shared and exchanged curatorial methodologies and strategies with the people they met in galleries and museums and through this, the project established a framework to develop gatherings more widely to connect Indigenous curators and artists living in rural communities across the country.
The Tiohtià:ke Project is an ambitious two-year initiative designed to create visibility and foster unity among Indigenous artists, curators, and writers across Quebec and Canada. The project will feature exhibitions, curatorial delegations, site-specific residencies, panels, community gatherings, and publications, building new networks and relationships. Tiohtià:ke, the Kanien’kéha (Mohawk) name for Montreal, translates to “where many nations gather” or “where nations divide,” reflecting its historical role as a site for nation-to-nation relationships through ceremonies and protocols.
Revisiting this ancestral role, the project uses Tiohtià:ke as a framework for creative production and engagement, connecting Indigenous and non-Indigenous, urban and rural, Anglophone and Francophone communities. This approach, akin to ancient ceremonies of trade, emphasizes relationships and stewardship, serving as a form of resistance and decolonization in the contemporary context.
Celebrating the Tiohtiá:ke Project: Connecting Communities Through Art
From 2017 to 2019, the Tiohtiá:ke Project brought together Indigenous artists, curators, and communities across Quebec, creating powerful moments of connection and creativity. Named after the Kanien’ké:ha (Mohawk) word for Montréal, meaning “where nations divide,” Tiohtiá:ke became a space where art united us.
A Journey of Creativity and Collaboration
Over two years, the Tiohtiá:ke Project featured exhibitions, residencies, and performances that highlighted the rich talents of Indigenous artists. A standout was Of Tobacco and Sweetgrass. Where Our Dreams Are at the Musée d’art de Joliette, which drew significant attention and engaged audiences beyond the greater Montreal area.
Building Bridges with Partners
Collaboration was at the heart of the project. We partnered with key institutions like Centre CLARK in Montreal, hosting screenings and residencies that gave artists like Suzanne Kite and Faye Mullen a platform to share their work. These events fostered meaningful exchanges and broadened the reach of Indigenous art.
Sharing Stories and Perspectives
A lasting impact of the project is the publication D’horizons et d’estuaires : entre mémoires et créations autochtones. This collection brings together essays from Indigenous creatives and cultural workers, offering insights into their experiences and artistry. Co-edited with Maison d’éditions Somme Toute, the book celebrates the diverse voices that shaped the Tiohtiá:ke Project.
Measures of Success
- Over 20 events, including exhibitions, performances, and residencies.
- Engagement with more than 40 Indigenous artists across Quebec.
- Formation of an Advisory Committee of Indigenous curators to guide the project.
- Publication of a groundbreaking book that features voices from across the Indigenous art community.
Legacy and Future
The success of the Tiohtiá:ke Project led directly to the development of the ICCA’s Digital Publications Program. Inspired by the project’s achievements, this program continues to amplify Indigenous voices, ensuring their stories are accessible to all.
The Tiohtiá:ke Project may have concluded, but its impact endures, setting the stage for future initiatives that celebrate and support Indigenous art in both traditional and digital spaces.
Célébration // Celebration
*** Célébration de clôture du Projet Tiohtià:ke ***
{English version below}
19 septembre 2019 18h-21h
Salle Beverley Webster Rolph – Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
Commissaire : rudi aker
Alors que le projet Tiohtià:ke touche à sa fin après deux années de programmation (expositions, délégation de commissaires, soirée de projections vidéos, résidence d’artiste et plus encore) nous vous invitons à venir célébrer cette initiative unique au Québec lors d’une soirée de performances et de projections vidéos d’artistes autochtones sélectionnés par rudi aker, commissaire invité de l’événement. Vous aurez aussi l’occasion de voir des images d’archives des activités réalisées dans le cadre de ce projet, en plus de savourer de délicieuses petites bouchées cuisinés par Chef Swaneige. Avec entre autres, des performances d’Arielle Twist, Lindsay Dobbin, Raven Davis et Dayna Danger
L’événement est gratuit et vous donne aussi accès à l’exposition Bravez le Monumental de l’artiste anishinaabe Rebecca Belmore.
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L’ACC-CCA souhaite remercier le Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal pour son soutien dans la réalisation de l’événement.
Le Projet Tiohtià:ke est l’un des 200 projets exceptionnels soutenus par le programme Nouveau chapitre du Conseil des arts du Canada.
*** Tiohtià:ke Project Closing Celebration ***
September 19, 2019 6pm-9pm
Salle Beverley Webster Rolph – Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
Curator: rudi aker
As the Tiohtià:ke Project comes to a close after two years of programming (exhibitions, curators delegation, video screenings, artist residency and more), we invite you to come celebrate this unique initiative in Quebec during an evening of performances and screenings by Indigenous artists selected by rudi aker, guest curator of the event. You will also have the opportunity to see archives of the past events of this project, as well as enjoy delicious food cooked by Chef Swaneige. With performances by Arielle Twist, Lindsay Dobbin, Raven Davis and Dayna Danger, among others.
This event is free and also gives you access to the exhibition Facing the Monumental from Anishinaabe artist Rebecca Belmore.
L’ACC-CCA would like to thank the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal for its support in the production of the event.
The Tiohtià:ke Project is one of the 200 exceptional projects funded through the Canada Council for the Arts New Chapter program.
Reserve your ticket(s) here —>
Photos credits
- Performance de Karine Wasiana Echaquan devant l’œuvre water song (Kinosipi) d’Hannah Claus, vernissage de l’exposition De tabac et de foin d’odeur. Là où sont nos rêves, 2 février 2019, Musée d’art de Joliette. // Performance of Karine Wasiana Echaquan in front of the artwork water song (Kinosipi), Hannah Claus, opening of the exhibition Of Tobacco and Sweetgrass. Where Our Dreams Are., February 2, 2019, Musée d’art de Joliette.
Crédit photo/ photo credit: Romain Guilbeault - De tabac et de foin d’odeur. Là où sont nos rêves. Vue d’installation, 2 février 2019 – 5 mai 2019, Musée d’art de Joliette. // Of Tobacco and Sweetgrass. Where Our Dreams Are. Installation view, February 2 – May 5, 2019, Musée d’art de Joliette.
Crédit photo/ photo credit: Paul Litherland - De tabac et de foin d’odeur. Là où sont nos rêves. Vernissage, 2 février 2019, Musée d’art de Joliette. // Of Tobacco and Sweetgrass. Where Our Dreams Are. Opening, February 2, 2019, Musée d’art de Joliette.
Crédit photo/ photo credit: Romain Guilbaul. - De tabac et de foin d’odeur. Là où sont nos rêves. Vernissage, 2 février 2019, Musée d’art de Joliette. // Of Tobacco and Sweetgrass. Where Our Dreams Are. Opening, February 2, 2019, Musée d’art de Joliette.
Crédit photo/ photo credit: Romain Guilbeault - Discussion pendant la soirée de projection Ninan, Nehirowisi-iskwewk commissarié par Catherine Boivin, 7 décembre 2018, Centre CLARK, Montréal. // Discussion during Ninan, Nehirowisi-iskwewk’s screening event curated by Catherine Boivin, December 7, 2018, Centre CLARK, Montreal.
Crédit photo/ photo credit: Centre CLARK - Performance de Dayna Danger, Soirée de célébration du Projet Tiohtià:ke commissarié par rudi aker, 19 septembre 2019, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal. // Performance by Dayna Danger, Tiohtià:ke Project Celebration Event curated by rudi aker September 19, 2019, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal.
Crédit photo/ photo credit: Jessica Sabogal - Soirée de célébration du Projet Tiohtià:ke commissarié par rudi aker, 19 septembre 2019, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal. // Tiohtià:ke Project Celebration Event curated by rudi aker, September 19, 2019, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal.
Crédit photo/ photo credit: Jessica Sabogal
We organized an online book launch for the ICCA book D’horizons et d’estuaires: entre mémoires et créations autochtones in December 2020. The book launch was moderated by the co-directors Léuli Eshrāghi and Camille Larivée, in conversation with the 16 Francophone and Anglophone Indigenous artists, curators, art historians and cultural workers who wrote texts. This collection of essays follows from exhibitions, performances, artist residencies and discussions that took place during the ICCA Tiohtià:ke Project (2017-2019).