Call for Nominations: Join the ICCA Board of Directors

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Dear Members of the Indigenous Curatorial Collective,

Are you passionate about Indigenous arts, culture, and community empowerment? Do you have a strong commitment to advancing the presence and impact of Indigenous voices in the arts sector? The Indigenous Curatorial Collective (ICCA) is inviting nominations for individuals who are enthusiastic about contributing their expertise and vision to our organization as members of the Board of Directors.

About the ICCA: The ICCA is a dynamic and vibrant Indigenous-led non-profit organization that connects and supports Indigenous curators, artists, writers, academics, and professionals. Our collective mission is to foster critical discourse, create professional opportunities, and build reciprocal relationships within Indigenous communities and the institutions we collaborate with. Through strategic programming, publications, and engagement initiatives, we aim to amplify Indigenous leadership and direction in the arts and cultural sector.

Call for Nominations: We are seeking dedicated individuals who share our vision and are excited to contribute to the growth and impact of ICCA. Nominees should have a strong connection to Indigenous communities and possess a deep understanding of Indigenous arts and cultural practices. As a nominee, you will have the chance to shape ICCA’s future and guide our initiatives towards meaningful and impactful outcomes.

Nomination Process: If you or someone you know is interested in joining the ICCA Board of Directors, please submit the following:

Introductory Statement: Provide a brief introduction about yourself, highlighting your connection to Indigenous communities and your involvement in the arts and cultural sector.

300-word Biography: Share a concise biography that showcases your background, expertise, and accomplishments in relation to Indigenous arts and cultural practices.

Statement of Interest: Explain in 250 words or less why you are interested in becoming a member of the ICCA Board of Directors. What unique perspectives, experiences, or skills do you bring to the table? How do you envision contributing to ICCA’s mission and growth?

Please submit your nomination materials by September 30th to In the subject line indicate ICCA NOMINATION. We look forward to receiving your nominations and building a diverse and dynamic board that represents the interests and aspirations of our community.

Join us in shaping the future of ICCA and working towards a stronger, more vibrant Indigenous arts landscape. Your dedication and commitment can make a difference!

Sincerely, Michelle McGeough, Board Member, Indigenous Curatorial Collective

For inquiries and submissions, please contact with BOARD INQUIRY in the
subject line of your email