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Innovation Grants – Digital Generator

Innovation Grants – Digital Generator



Canada wide
Regional Details
All of Canada

Funding Information

Canada Council
Funder Website
Funding Type
Stream 1: hiring external consultants or experts??Stream 2: implementing recommendations from external consultants or experts
Digital Generator is a short-term initiative to support Canadian arts groups, collectives, and organizations to build their digital capacity and transform their business model and operations. A digital approach can transform the way you operate and offers the opportunity to: -deepen your relationship with your public and engage new audiences and markets -collect and analyse data to gain insights into your public and understand your impact -improve specific areas of business with digital technology to lower costs and increase efficiency -generate new revenue streams -collaborate and connect with others -build new partnerships and networks to improve digital capacity -transform your business model for long-term sustainability.
Activities that increase digital capacity of Canadian arts groups and organizations to:??Stream 1, using services of a consultant, expert or training provider: measure digital readiness, measure gaps and opportunities, create plans for increased digitalization of outreach and marketing, including accessibility, train staff and explore collaboration possibilities??Stream 2, implementation: use plans developed with consultant or by other means increase digitalization of outreach, build awareness, manage information securely, create e-commerce opportunities, explore other business models??Collaborative projects benefitting more than one group or organization are also possible, such as the creation of shared tools and resources
Artistic groups and collectives ?Artistic organizations?FIM groups, collectives and organizations??Individuals can benefit directly, but all of the language of the program references groups.
Specific Provisions
Provision Type
Targetted funds are available to candidates who self declare (not only FIM)
Charitable Status Required
Yearly Applications
Deadline Info
Continuous intake
Application Process
Apply via the portal
Notification Notes
Usually within 4 months of application for both streams

General Info


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