
This piece is representing how colonialism impacts our connection with our homelands and ancestors. The way I’ve chosen to represent colonialism is by a net that’s over a turtle. The turtle represents our homelands and the spirits holding the cultural items represent our ancestors that are alive today or have passed on. Most indigenous youth living in a city can relate to having a cultural disconnection to their homelands. This piece also represents how I reflect and connect with nature and the universe to cope. Being reflective, enjoying solitude, and finding meaning by absorbing knowledge are ways I stand strong in such a complex society.

Jesslynn Friday is an artist from Seine River First Nation and is based in Thunder Bay Ontario. Jesslynn primarily works with acrylics, watercolour, and drawings with coloured pencils and markers. She takes inspiration from nature itself, which can be seen through her organic linework and care for detail. Her pieces consist of her reflections and outlook on her surroundings, they are depicted in such a way that allows viewers to feel at peace from finding meaning in her artwork.