Project Description
DATA browser 03, collected essays, new media, internet age, critical considerations
Title: Curating Immateriality: The work of the Curator in the Age of Network Systems
Publisher: autonomedia
Author/s: & [epidemiC], Josephine Berry Slater, Geoff Cox, Alexander R. Galloway & Eugene Thacker, Olga Goriunova & Alexei Shulgin,Beryl Graham, Eva Grubinger, Piotr Kajewski, Jacob Lillemose, lo-fi, Franziska Nori, Matteo Pasquinelli, Christiane Paul, Trebor Scholz, Grzesiek Sedek, Tiziana Terranova, Marina Vishmidt
Year: 2006
Editor/s: Joasia Krysia
Publication Type: Book
Quantity: 1
ISBN: 1-57027-173-93