Project Description
Jordan Bennett’s solo exhibition Souvenir draws upon his inspired intentions to visit, activate and respond to the innovative heritage embedded, woven and veiled in the richness of Mi’kmaq material culture and design. His interdisciplinary and intuitive approach grants new vitality to overlooked cultural expressions that carry elaborate Mi’kmaq cosmologies interpreted through customary geometric motifs embellished in a highly valued era of porcupine quillwork and basketry souvenir trade commodities that was thriving in the 19th century. The exhibition brings together Bennett’s newly designed site-specific work, museum collection loans, and installation to celebrate the vitality and influence of Indigenous aesthetic as contemporary practice.
Title: Jordan Bennett x2: Souvenir
Publisher: OCADU Onsite Gallery
Author/s: Ryan Rice, Lisa Deanne Smith
Year: 2022
Publication Type: Catalogue
Quantity: 1
ISBN: 978-1-177252-018-7