Project Description

Publication of script, play, theatre, anthology, Path with no Moccasins, The Indian Medicine Shows, The Moon and Dead Indians, Angel of the Medicine show, More than Feathers and Beads, Annie Mae’s Movement, Trail of the Otter, Governer of the Dew: A memorial to Nostalgia and Desire, Confessions of an Indian Cowboy, Burning Vision, Please do not touch the indians, The scrubbing project, volume 2

Title: Staging Coyote’s Dream: An Anthology of First Nations Drama in English Volume II

Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press

Author/s: Shirley Cheechoo, Daniel David Moses, Murielle Borst, Yvette Nolan, Muriel Miguel, Floyd Favel, Leota Lone Dog, Deborah Ratelle, Margo Kane, Marie Clements, Joseph A Danderand, Turtle Gals Performance Ensemble, Jani Lauzon, Monique Mojica, Michelle St. John

Year: 2009/2017

Editor/s: Monica Mojica, Ric Knowles

Publication Type: Play

Quantity: 1

ISBN: 978-0-88754-735-5